As you become familiar with NVivo and if your project demands it you may decide to use NVivo to analyse social media. If this is something you want to learn how to do watch this video.

You can analyse social networks in NVivo 11 plus - so if you have it and want to do that watch this video.

For information:

Universities often have licenses that students may take advantage of for free.

If you want to buy a personal license as a student QSR offer substantial discounts on the full price. It is a 12 month license.

Coding in NVivo. Here is a short clip to remind you how to do it.

Remember that NVivo is simply a tool. You still have to think about what to code and how best to organize source material.

Organize materials into themes with NVivo. Watch this clip.

Coding a single document - watch this to see how:-

Vizualising a project - watch this and learn:-

Running a coding query - look and learn

What if I want to know if a person who has one characteristic also has another characteristic that I am interested in - then why not run a matrix query - 

Text search queries - 

NVivo software was developed by QSR International as a means of analysing qualitative data. It is not simply an analytical tool but is a database in which to organize qualitative data sources. You will soon learn your way around the menu. These are well organized to allow you to manage the research project. 

You can access help anytime you are working with the program by simply pressing F1. This will bring up a menu of options and you also have access to resources including online tutorials. It is likely that you will only use a relatively small proportion of the program capabilities to achieve your QDA.

Getting started you will need to decide how you want to organize your files. You can change your mind and develop the structure as your project develops. However, it is important to have some structure early on. 

One of the first things you will need to do is import your data and label the various source files in a meaningful way for your project. For example, Interviews maybe with sub-files indicating: one to one; focus groups and so on. You will also want to have files holding categories of source data. For example: Articles on a named topic; Observation notes; Photographs; Audio Files; Video Files etc.

Have a look at this short introductory video:-

If you are working with NVivo 10 this next video explains the features. There is not a great deal of difference between 10 and 11 and many of the basics of how to use the program remain the same.

Get up and working with NVivo. Watch the following video to start or recap what you have learned so far.

Three simple things you may want to start with:-

Importing a document

Word frequency queries

Coding queries

QDA - Qualitative Data Analysis

QDA is the way in which we analyse qualitative data to generate meaning through interpretations of our data. Learn how to do coding before embarking on CAQDAS such as NVivo. This will help you understand how to organize data for analysis and what you are coding for. Then you can learn to use CAQDAS such as NVivo. Nvivo may make the process and organization of complex data easier but it is not for everyone. I know a lot of qualitative researchers that still prefer to do coding manually without using computer software.