Table of Contents

1.Globalization: global demand and supply strategies

2. Strategic concepts and the customer focused, market driven supply chain

3. The emergence of supply chain management and supply chain strategy as a critical success factor for organizations

4. Market driven and customer focused supply chain strategies

5. Supplier sourcing, procurement and evaluation

6. Supply chain structures and relationships

7. Supply chain integration, technology and e- business strategies

8. Strategic supply chain cost, value and measurement

9. Service levels, synchronization of business processes and inventories

10. Supply chain profitability, quality and world- class organizations

11. Logistics and fulfilment strategies

12. The supply chain challenges

Glossary of supply chain terms


British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Hines, Tony.
Supply chain strategies : demand driven and customer focused /
Tony Hines. – 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Business logistics. 2. Strategic planning. I. Title.
HD38.5.H56 2013
ISBN: 978–0–415–68317–3 (hbk)
ISBN: 978–0–415–68319–7 (pbk)
ISBN: 978–0–203–63166–9 (ebk)

Global Supply Chains are in place for all types of products and services. Understanding how these supply chains connect parts of a business its suppliers and customers is necessary to develop supply chain strategies that are efficient, effective and timely. Focusing on what customers need and understanding how to make it happen is an essential part of supply chain strategy.

In Chapter 1 of Supply Chain Strategies you will learn what it means for organizations when they have global supply chains. I have also created some links to organizations where they have a story to tell about their global supply chains. The purpose is not to promote the organization but to inform and educate readers about global supply chains.

Supply Chain Strategies: Demand Driven and Customer Focused

​​© 2004, 2013, 2017 Tony Hines
The right of Tony Hines to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him
in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Supply Chain Strategies demonstrates how organizations must take strategic decisions in order to manage their supply chains to sustain competitiveness in the global economy. It is the first book to take a demand driven and customer focused view of the supply chain. In this respect it is unique in its outlook and conceptualization of supply chains. Tony Hines' text focuses upon the direction-setting and efficient resource-allocation that organizations need to provide in order to satisfy their customers. Overcoming tensions between political, economic, technological, ethical and environmental considerations is shown to be vital to ensure a sensible strategy for managing the supply chain. This impressive text makes the most of integrated case studies to show how strategic thinking and supply chain management play out in the real world. As such, the book is ideal for courses on supply chain management - especially those which require a strategic element.

You can purchase the book from Amazon, good bookstores or direct from the publisher.

ISBN-10: 041568319X
ISBN-13: 978-041568319

"The book makes very good use of management and supply-chain research from the last 30 years, as well as being very in tune with current issues. This book is a useful aid to graduates and postgraduates of the supply-chain and operations management disciplines. In conclusion, while having large sections of classical management theory, this book is modern and covers customer-driven supply-chain issues with great clarity and in a balanced way demonstrated through case studies with links to modern research."
                                                                                                                                                        Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply

“This was by far the most comprehensive and complete book on current strategies that I have read. Written in a style to suit the novice and satisfy the expert Supply Chain Strategies lives up to its title and I would strongly recommend you add it to your reading list Hines succeeds in compiling an excellent and comprehensive study of supply chain management.”
                                                                                                                                                                           Supply Chain Council USA

"Go to text for over-arching concepts in supply chain management."


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Sustainability is a key issue for many organizations. It is also a major concern for supply chain strategists. Sourcing is one place where organizations can do much through adopting responsible sourcing strategies.

Visibility is one of Hines 7Vs Framework for managing supply chains. Being able to track and trace materials from source to customer is key if organizations want to apply responsible sourcing strategies.

Further reading about this topic in Chapters, 1, 5 and 10

This is a book about supply chain strategies and strategic management of supply chains. It differs from most recent books on the topic because it turns the focus away from pure operational aspects of supply towards strategies that focus upon the customer, their requirements and supply chain imperatives.

How we consider the relationships between the organization, its customers and supply chain partners is of paramount concern for strategists. While the focus is on the customer, organizations need to leverage technologies to support their customers, developing products that meet service expectations and in doing so create value for the organization, supply chain partners and most importantly, for the customer. The customer is most important because if customers value service received from organizations they return ensuring survival and continuation of the value stream. Organizations need to design lean (efficient), agile (effective) and synchronous (timely) supply chains that meet customer service- delivery expectations seamlessly. Strategies need to examine the total system looking outwards not inwards to achieve synergies through co-operation, co- opetition and looking downstream beyond the customer to the customer’s customer to seek opportunities and upstream to the supplier’s suppliers. Globalization, outsourcing, offshoring and changing organizational environments may cause shocks to the ecosystem within which supply chains operate and organizations need to anticipate and react to such changes being adaptable in the strategies they enact. In the interconnected economy, integration and interdependence present opportunities that supply chain strategies can seize and sustain.