"My research makes sense of strategies, structures and relationships. This work is often at the interface between marketing and supply chain operations. The purpose is to understand how meaningful interventions improve processes, deliver customer service and achieve better overall performance in organizations I work with."

​Prof Hines


I have led research studies funded by external agencies including ESRC, Government, Professional Associations and Organizations.

Use research to know and understand business better. Take the blind folds off! Open your eyes and open your mind.


Cost improvement and efficiency projects for organizations examined operations and processes leading to major savings. This work includes mapping existing processes, designing improvements and modelling cost benefits. This work has been conducted with aircraft manufacture, leading retailers, public service organizations, charities and clothing and textile organizations. Alongside these projects training and consultancy support delivered continuity. 

Saving over $10 Million.

Working with Government to improve industry supply chains and develop business skills to secure future advantage. An example of this work is the project I led for the Sri Lanka Apparel Industry. It was a comprehensive 5 year project to improve efficiencies and develop market opportunities.

More than 5000 people have benefitted from this work.

Work with major retail organizations has helped them focus on areas of supply chain improvement and enabled them to develop more effective strategies.

Average savings for each organization $100,000

Research consultancies with media organizations developing processes to ensure efficiency improvements and cost reductions, whilst maintaining the value of what they do.

Curriculum redesign for professional examining bodies. This work evaluated existing content, delivery and aims before redesigning curricula to meet the needs of their profession.

Working with Universities, Public Services and Private Organizations to instigate change and to develop staff competencies through training and consultancy. 

Governance and Compliance to ensure service quality. Experience of chairing boards and committees.

Don't be kept in the dark!